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Banquet 1998

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Randy Aykroyd thanked CQC for helping  
the 1997  Jamboree on the Air  (JOTA) 
and presented badges to members who 
VP Marshall (N1FN) presented the 
"Wooden Radio Award" to Al (KØFRP) for 
 winning a contest the day before it started.
Prez. Rich (WØHEP) presented a certificate  
to John Hizer (KØZA) who donated the use of  
his home and superb antenna farm for CQC's  
participation in the CQWW WPX contest...
...to Hal (WØXMY) for his services as the  
Club's official photographer... 
...to Dennis (WØGD) for his work in establishing  
and heading up the Elmer program...
...Richard (WØRG), a Technical Award for  
his superb craftsmanship...
...to Mighty Samson, the QRP Dog (K9QRP),  
for having  learned Morse Code....
...and to Paul (KF7MD) for placing First in CQC's  
1997 Winter QSO Party.
It was a bit crowded, but nobody seemed to mind.
Al (KØFRP) got a second contesting award,  
this one for First Place in CQC's Summer 1997  
QSO Party.
Brad (KBØROL) received a President's award  
for all the work he has put into the organization  
of  the Banquet and other club activities. He's 
the larger guy there, showing the award to his son.
And Jan (NØQT) got a President's Award for the work 
she has done as Publicity Chair, for always being 
there, always helping, and nearly always smiling!
Brad (KBØROL) counts noses, as Rich (WØHEP)  
tries to decide what to do next.
Rich (WØHEP) hands over the main door-prize to  
winner Herb (OM of Jan, NØQT)
A very interesting program on his travels and ham radio 
operation in Ghana was presented by Randy Martin, 
Here are the backs of lots of people's heads.

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Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR


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