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Colorado QRP Club, Inc.


Life's too short for $800 finals!



Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here to join our email reflectors!
What's the Frequency Kenneth? (Title to a 1994 R.E.M. song)

145.145 - 145.460 - 147.225 repeaters (107.2 Hz tone) 8 pm Monday night QRP net   -   146.520 Denver area QRP "Watering Hole" (Please QSY to avoid QRM)

Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for all of the Worldwide QRP calling Frequencies!
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here to learn more about our Monday night 8 pm "FrankenNet," meetings, and events!


CQC 30th Anniversary, 2024 Join us every Monday evening for our "FrankenNet" at 20:00 local Mountain time.
We meet simultaneously on the 145.145, 145.460, and 147.225 CRA repeaters (107.2 tone)
and our own Zoom link; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6156059877?pwd=aGJiNHZxZldud09Nb1dwY0tUUC84QT09


Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for pix from our 2024 Field Day operation in Strasburg, Colorado!!


Ukrainian flag with a tractor towing a Russian tank Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for WA6TWA's very interesting presentation on 1960s era transmitter hunts in Los Angeles! (Passcode: X39U@u.?)




Vintage Heathkit Gear For Sale!
      (all proceeds benfit the Colorado QRP Club)

HW-12 HW-12, 16, 22, 32, 101, 202, DX20, etc.
These are some really nice Heathkit items that were donated to the club by founding member Jim Pope (please do not contact him).
CONTACT: Club President Dick Schneider (ABØCD) at rjschneid47@gmail.com or 303-601-8932 (Text Only)
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for the complete list of Heathkit gear we have for sale!




CQC Welcomes our
newest members!
NØLNT - Dan 1,089
KIØER - Roy 1,088
KØCWC - Charles 1,087
KC5YCO - Corey 1,086
YO8TAA - Laura 1,085
YO8SST - Tatiana 1,084
YO8AZQ - Adrian 1,083
KEØZAR - Dan 1,082
M1ELK - Mike 1,081
BH1UZJ - Ziyuan 1,080
W1NV - Mike 1,079

  • CQC Regular Meeting - Saturday 11:00 am, December 14th, 2024 (Here is our Zoom link for meeting ID 615 605 9877) - We may also secure an in-person meeting place TBD
  • CQC Regular Meeting - Saturday 10:00 am, June 21, 2025 at our Field Day site and via Zoom (meeting ID 615 605 9877)
  • ARRL Field Day - Sat/Sun, June 21-22, 2025 - Come Join Us!


QRP Fox Hunt

QRP Fox Hunt Small Logo Since the beginning, the Colorado QRP Club has been the proud sponsor of the QRP Fox Hunt!
Click Here for everything you need to know about the QRP Fox Hunt...
Click Here for our earlier QRP Fox Hunt archives...
No, this event doesn't involve live foxes or any other animals - it's a fun Morse code exercise
that takes place every week that involves hundreds of participants around North America!


Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here!


Rocky Mountain Regional & Continental Morse code net welcomes your participation every Tuesday and Thursday at 2200z on 14.0625 MHz - WC7S (CQC # 871)
We'll always be grateful for the support and meeting space N1FN (CQC # 154) provided the club before his passing!

Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for "Getting On The Air with Amateur Radio" by Dean Buckhouse, KBØVVA

CQC History Join CQC Officers & Committees Membership List
Events, Meetings & Nets Bulletin Board Awards Merchandise Shop
Low Down Newsletter Contest Info Swap List Links
Photo Gallery Club Station WCQC CQC Listserver Call Sign Servers
Site Index


"Skill... Not Power!"
  • What the heck is QRP anyway? - Well, although there's really no hard and fast definition, QRP generally means to turn your transmitter power down, way down...  5 Watts output, or less, is usually considered QRP.
  • But why turn your power down? - The reasons are as varied as there are Ham operators! Some like the challenge while others simply enjoy back-to-basics and the tiny expense of using small radios over long distances.
  • Won't you join the fun? - Beginners and Old-timers all agree that QRP brings a special indescribable delight that a pair of expensive high-power transmitting finals just can't duplicate!




Past President KØFEI and his KiCad demonstration at our May 11th general meeting.



Zelle Logo
Membership in the Colorado QRP Club is free-of-charge. As such, we have no other form of income and rely on the generosity of the amateur radio community to help with the various expenses related to not only club activities, but our business obligations as well. So, we'd appreciate your help, no amount is too small! (we are not tax deductible)
Our Zelle account is; coloradoqrpclub@gmail.com   (Our name is; Colorado QRP Club)
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here to learn more about Zelle and how to use it at your bank
You're also welcome to mail us a check at; P.O. Box 17174, Golden, CO 80402          Thank you for your support!


Help us with meetings and other tasks!

CQC is looking for a new meeting location! For many years, before his passsing, Marshall Emm hosted our meetings at his place of business. After that, we made full use of various locations within the Arapahoe Library District up until the pandemic - very nice facilities but they just weren't home!
And, of course the pandemic eventually took its toll so we decided to eliminate our "Chat 'N Chew" informal gatherings and reduced our regular, official meetings to twice each year.
The idea being that we're open to reestablishing a more robust schedule and securing meeting spaces whenever volunteers want to step forward and move the club in that direction. As such, anyone wishing to contribute in that manner is encouraged to contact the club's officers at; http://www.coloradoqrpclub.org/officers.htm Thank you for your support!




SOTA anyone?

Past president Frank Ivan, at our 07/07/2012 general meeting, discussing the Colorado Mountain Club's, Colorado Summit Hikes for Everyone as a great guide/start for SOTA activity. In the second photo Frank is displaying his new KX3 (with the completed CQC RFL-10 Dummy Load kit attached!) and describing our Battleground Field Day operation. President Frank Ivan discussing SOTA at our 07-07-2012 meeting President Frank Ivan discussing his KX3 and Field Day at our 07-07-2012 meeting


Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for all the information you'll need about SOTA!
Sota Loga Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for everyone - this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other summits).


Join Now
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here to join our club!

Membership is FREE (including DX), for the issue of
a lifetime membership number and other club benefits!




Low Down 66 Summer 2010
Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for a recent NPR story about our growing amateur radio hobby!
YouTube Logo Click Here for a YouTube video of NØPQV's dozen mobile radios in one car!!


How's your membership? Did you know we're now mailing paper copies of the Low Down to all current members??!!
Click Here to join or renew your CQC membership - The nation's best QRP Club!




Members on the Move!

Sierra Radio Open Top view from Front
Sierra built by KG5N, CQC # 146
We're always looking for photos and stories from our members for publication on our website or newsletter. So, contact your humble webmaster,
or newsletter editor, if you have pix or text about your gear, family, antennas, favorite keyer, or just about anything else related to ham radio and QRP!


Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for a video of KT5E installing his new tower and 30 meter yagi!


One Watt above 14060 feet! (4,285 meters)

In the Fall Steve, NXØL, climbed Mt. Bierdstadt - a
14er located about 35 miles west of downtown Denver.

Go to our Members on the Move page for more info
about Steve's climb up Bierdstadt!

NX0L hikes to the top of 14er Mt. Bierdstadt - Fall 2010 NX0L hikes to the top of 14er Mt. Bierdstadt - Fall 2010 NX0L hikes to the top of 14er Mt. Bierdstadt - Fall 2010 NX0L hikes to the top of 14er Mt. Bierdstadt - Fall 2010


WB0JNR at the Morse code key in Port Lockroy, Antarctica - 01-30-2011 WBØJNR (CQC # 7) made his way to Antarctica in 2011. In this photo Roger is "pounding brass" in the radio room at the Port Lockroy museum on Goudier Island, Antarctica.





ARRL Diamond - Small The Colorado QRP Club is proud to be an affiliated club with the ARRL (American Radio Relay League)!

Small Arrow Pointing Right Please remember to keep Your ARRL membership current as well!



Before you go, why not visit our GuestBook?




All text and images in this website are the intellectual property of the Colorado QRP CLub or are used with permission
of the copyright holder. Some images are in the public domain; others are not-- please ask before "borrowing" them.
Copyright © 1994 -

Search www.coloradoqrpclub.org Search WWW




July 1, 2023
BECAUSE OF LOW ACTIVE PARTICIPATION LEVELS, officers are making some changes at the Colorado QRP Club. After this year, CQC will be 30 years old. It thrived during the Golden Age of QRP – mid-1990s well into the 2000s. For Field Day, the club had gobs of active participants; CQC set up 4 towers (acquired from the Arapahoe Radio Club); ran monoband beams; lofted 3-element 80-meter wire beams into trees. CQC had a dedicated Field Day chair who was recruited into the club by a CQC co-founder, and the club had a bevy of high-level operators for the competitive site (Battleground). To accommodate more casual operations and newbies, CQC established a second Field Day site (Aloha) and ran dual Field Day operations for several years, but those days are behind us. The old timers are older timers or they are SK, and the CW ranks have not filled in behind them. With CQC work being done by a small number of members, all of whom have no room for more duties, the club must scale things back. Therefore:
CONTESTS. CQC will suspend its three short contests: the Gold Rush in July, the Snow Shoe Run in December, and the Winter QSO Party in February.
MEETINGS. CQC will no longer conduct Chat-N-Chew informal gatherings, nor will CQC conduct bi-monthly regular meetings. CQC will conduct two meetings during the year – one in June AT FIELD DAY and one in December, for the required ANNUAL ELECTIONS.
FOX HUNTS. CQC will continue to promote the weekly summer and winter QRP Fox Hunts which Dale, WC7S, and some of his fellow Foxers manage. These events draw many participants each week from all around North America (mostly U.S.).
FIELD DAY. CQC will continue to conduct Field Day at the Strasburg site, whether CQC has one antenna or a half dozen. CQC will promote Field Day during the year and test the waters to see if the club can find a Field Day chair to step up and fully organize a competitive QRP Field Day site. This will entail recruiting CW and phone operators willing to operate per a schedule; recruiting additional help for Friday noon setup and Sunday noon tear down; separating the BS area from the operating area; separating the phone operations from the CW operations; seeing if CQC can filter out digital noise for a digital station; helping get the COW and the tri-band beam operational; establishing GOTA and VHF-UHF stations for new and less competitive hams; and other things as necessary. CQC will, in the absence of the previous, operate a CQC Field Day station at the Strasburg site with one main wire antenna and some additional portable antennas as CQC did in 2023 with those who chose to participate. CQC will, in the absence of the previous two items, operate CQC Field Day at the Strasburg site somewhere in between, as participation levels allow.
QRP INFORMATION NET. CQC will continue with the Monday night (8 p.m. Mountain Time) QRP Information Net (sometimes referred to as the FrankenNet) merging the Colorado Repeater Association’s 145.460 machine with its linked repeaters, Echolink (when it is up) and Zoom as a vehicle to keep in touch. The net was started BEFORE the inception of CQC by Jim Pope KGØPP as a QRP Information Net. CQC sees continuation of this net as important as the club winds down other activities.
COMMUNICATION. CQC, in addition to the Monday Night QRP Information Net, will endeavor to get as many members as possible tied into CQCLIST at Groups.io as another communications vehicle. CQC will post current critical announcements on its website, COLORADOQRPCLUB.ORG, and social media. Reinstituting The Low Down Newsletter is still under consideration.
GARAGE SALE. CQC will continue the CQC Garage Sale, managed by Vince KIØRB, at the major swap meets as our primary fund-raiser. This means CQC will continue to accept donations of dang near anything ham radio or electronic for the Garage Sale.
HAM RADIO IS AN EVER-EVOLVING INSTITUTION, as is the hobby's QRP component. There are QRP rigs available that knock the sox off the "high end" QRO rigs of a generation or so in the past. QRP activity is as vibrant as ever and, dang, logging around 500 QSOs during Field Day 2023 with a meagre antenna farm is still nothing to shake a stick at. With a few additional antennas, some scheduling, a few more diehard CW operators, and some hams in the other room yelling at other stations on sideband, CQC could easily double its Field Day QSO count.
IN CLOSING, THIS IS THE FIRST CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS. Is there no one out there willing to step up as Field Day chair (or co-chair)? The club officers and active members will gladly pitch in to support a Field Day chair in recruiting and organizing efforts. 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the Colorado QRP Club. CQC officers can put it to bed at that time, or with a little more help…who knows?
72, The Colorado QRP Club
Dick Schneider ABØCD President
Jim Moravec NØCOT Vice President
Pete Inskeep NO2D Secretary
Roger J. Wendell WBØJNR Treasurer/Webmaster




World Lock Our domain name, www.CQC.org, was stolen in March, 2015 - well over six months before it was due to be renewed. The Colorado QRP Club had owned this domain name since 1998 when we first created it before anyone else. The webhost and registrar, at the time of the theft was Parcom.net with wowrack as their parent company. Tucows held the domain name but, being in Canada and outside our borders, was especially difficult to work with.
Overall, none of these companies, after repeated requests for help, provided any assistance in protecting our domain name or recovering it. We've filed complaints with ICANN, the Washington State Attorney General's office (where the registrar was located at the time of the theft), and the various webhosting companies and registrars associated with our domain name since it was stolen. Name.com, here in the Denver area, eventually held the name but would provide no assistance, either, so we filed a theft complaint with the Denver Police Department (Report 2018-6007948).
From what we've learned, at this point, is that we're going to need a court order, and the assistance of an attorney, to recover our domain name. Please contact your humble webmaster, or any of the club's officers, if you can help. Until then, we'll continue using this mirror site (www.coloradoQRPclub.org) until we're able to recover our domain name. Thank you, everyone, for your assistance and support!
- WBØJNR, CQC Webmaster and Treasurer


Web Counter Logo

CQC Webmaster
Roger J. Wendell, WBØJNR


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